Sunday, January 21, 2007

What do you know about tweetle beetles?

I, personally, am well-educated on the ins and outs of tweetle beetles. My area of emphasis has been in tweetle beetle warfare, particularly those battles involving paddles and puddles. If your life is lacking in knowledge regarding tweetle beetle warfare, I highly recommend Dr. Seuss' resource entitled Fox in Socks. I know the title of this epic is misleading, but if you follow through to the end, your efforts shall be rewarded.

I recommend nightly study, just prior to placing your offspring in their beds for their nighttime slumber. This has been my method of study for the last several weeks, and it has worked well.

Let me know how it works out for you.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

OMG!! I LOVE this book!! lol OF coruse my kids are older now so no need for bedtime stories, but that was always a fav....actually anything by Dr. Seuss!!! He rocks! hehe

When my daughter graduated HS in June....I biought her the book, "Oh The Places You'll Go". *sigh* Oh least I saved all of their Dr. Seuss books so I can teach grandkids (EEK!! In MANY years!!! lol) about tweedle beetle battles :)