It's not in my blood. My brain doesn't work that way. If it's not on my list or in my day planner, several neurons misfire at once, causing me to see stars.
Knight, on the other hand, is spontaneity personified -- at least, he used to be before we got married and I bewitched him into learning how to schedule things.
One time, when we had only been married a year or so (this is after three and a half years of dating, though, so I don't know why he didn't see it coming), Knight wanted to go see a movie. On a weeknight. A SCHOOL night, if you will. I started hemming and hawing about how I couldn't stay out that late because I had to work the next day, blah, blah, blah. The following conversation took place (I may be paraphrasing a bit, because it was 4+ years ago):
K: You're NEVER spontaneous! It drives me crazy! Why can't we ever JUST GO DO stuff???
D: Well... I don't KNOW! We can be spontaneous on Saturday! I don't have anything planned for then, so let's be SPONTANEOUS ALL DAY!
K: *blink blink* You're PLANNING on BEING SPONTANEOUS?!?!?!
Now, to be perfectly honest, it all made sense in my head. We could do whatever we wanted to do, whenever we wanted to do it, all day on Saturday because it wouldn't be disrupting any plans we had already made.
I think it just reinforced the whole point to Knight.
So, back to the original point of this post, I may have mentioned that Spring Break starts at 3:30 today. There are several things going on or that I'm wanting to do, so I'll share my list with you.
1. My Granny and Grandad are coming into town on Sunday. My Grandad and I have a very special breakfast date everytime they come. We like to go early in the morning, while things are still quiet and peaceful, and drink coffee together and talk about all sorts of deep and funny things. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we didn't get to have that breakfast date when they were here a few weeks ago, so we'll definitely have to do it this trip. Maybe TWICE, you know, to make up for last time. :)
2. There is this little strip of grass between our house and our front walk. (I'll post a pic tomorrow.) It's impossible to mow and we don't yet have a weed-eater. I'm going to plant something there. What will you plant, you ask? I haven't a clue. Maybe rosemary. Maybe daylilies. I don't know jack about gardening. But I'm VERY excited to learn!
3. My mom has been having the interior of her house repainted. She purchased two gallons of blue paint, and then changed her mind, so she donated them to the Support The New Homeowners Fund. The blue is going to be GREAT in Jet's room. I plan to slap it on the walls this week. Heather posted not too long ago about painting a bathroom with a cool edger tool, and now I want to try it! Heather, can you post a link to your fancy schmancy painter thingy?? Thanks!
4. Read an entire series of Christian romance fiction that I checked out from the school library. All five books. In a week. It can be done, I tell you, and I aim to prove it. (This is the relaxing part of my break.)
5. Scrub my house top to bottom.
6. Have a garage sale next Saturday to make a bit of money on our Skinny Budget Month, and to get rid of some of the clutter. I don't understand how we can have clutter already, seeing as how we just moved in last October... but we do.
7. Pick up Jet early every day from playschool and go to the park to feed the ducks.
I think that's about it. Of course, I have this REALLY bad habit of trying to cram too much into weeks like this. At least I've learned to temper the guilt I feel at the end of the week when I look at my list and realized I only crossed off five of the ten jillion things I had planned to do.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Because I can't be spontaneous
6:01 AM
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I'll see if I can find a link for it in the next day or two. Super-duper busy.
We bought something similar to this (diff brand I think). They have other things that may work too. We bought an extension pole to be able to reach the top of the high walls. Otherwise, we just used it by itself. The key to using this (for us, anyway) is that the side with the wheels that they suggest using against the trim, baseboards etc, did not work very well. It left too big of a gap, so we used one of the other 3 sides. It was important to keep paint off of the sides when soaking it back in the paint, otherwise, we would end up getting paint on the baseboasds and trim anyway. You just have to play with it and see which way works best for you. We used this for 2 rooms already, and haven't had to use any tape!!!
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